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How many sessions do I need?
Of course impossible to say but most people will experience dramatic change in 3-6 sessions.
Why is a session 3h long?
In order to fully change a subconscious programming you have to heal the wound that created it. That takes some time. Of the 3h only 1,5-2h will be spent in hypnosis and that time will feel like a lot less.
Will I be asleep?
No you will not be asleep. Hypnosis is state of deep relaxation. You will be aware and in communication with me the whole time. You will remeber everything after.
Can you cure anything with hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is a very versatile tool and can be applied to any problem you have, physical as well as mental. For somatic issues it will best cure those that are of a psychosomatic nature or stress related.
Can everyone be hypnotized?
Everyone who wants to be hypnotized can be hypnotized. It can however be more or less easy for you to go into hypnosis. It depends on how easy it is for you to relax and let go of control and that will likely depend on how much you trust me as your therapist. Hence it is important that you feel 100% comfortable with me as your therapist before we start.
Can hypnosis make me do things I don't want to do?
Absolutely not! Your conscious mind have to agree with the changes.
What if hypnosis brings up things from my past that I rather forget ?
Yes, it likely will and it is exactly the point. If you feel like you want to forget something it’s probably affecting you in a very negative way. With hypnosis you can work through it and reach a place where you are at peace with what has happened to you rather than wanting to forget it.