Surf Psychology: The Benefits of Going on a Surf Retreat with Me 

Surfing—the exhilarating dance with ocean waves—goes beyond a mere sport. It’s a holistic experience that intertwines physical prowess, mental well-being, and a profound connection to nature. When done in a retreat setting, surfing becomes a transformative journey—one that not only hones your skills on the board but also let you delves into some deep inner work and self-healing. To make the time and financial commitment that it is to go on a weeklong retreat sets the intention and framework for really doing the work. You remove all distractions and all discomforts of daily life in order to completely give yourself to the journey of developing your surfing as well as taking the time to look inwards. Below I go through the unique benefits of going on a surf retreat with me all from the physical benefits to the mental and emotional ones.


Physical and Mental Benefits of Surfing

  1. Physical Fitness and Balance

Surfing engages your entire body. Paddling out, catching waves, and maintaining balance on the board activate muscles you didn’t know existed. The constant movement builds strength, flexibility, and endurance. As you ride the waves, your core stability improves, and your proprioception sharpens. It’s a full-body workout that leaves you invigorated and craving more.

  1. Mindfulness and Emotional Balance

The ocean has a Zen-like effect. When you’re out there, it’s just you, the board, and the rhythmic pulse of the waves. Worries fade away as you focus on the present moment. It’s mindfulness at its core. Surfing clears your mind, and balances your emotions because you have to stay present and calm. Surfing is therapy in motion—a moving meditation that soothes the soul. …and on the days it doesn’t we get to face what comes up and work through it together.

  1. Overcoming Challenges

Every wave is unique. Some lift you gently, while others will crash on you with force. Surfing teaches resilience—you fall, and you learn to get back up. It’s a metaphor for life. Facing the unpredictable ocean builds mental toughness, adaptability, and the ability to embrace setbacks. As you conquer waves, you conquer fears.

The Unique Inner Journey that a Retreat will Invite

  1. Disconnecting to Reconnect

A retreat whisks you away from the noise of daily life. Imagine waking up to the sound of crashing waves, surrounded by untouched nature. Whether it’s a remote beach or a lush jungle, retreats offer solitude and space for introspection. Disconnecting from screens and reconnecting with yourself is a powerful form of self-healing. Try to schedule a retreat so that you can be completely guilt free when not being reachable or available to your woek or others. Set this intention before you go away.

  1. Community and Support

Retreats foster a sense of community. You meet like-minded souls—people seeking solace, growth, and transformation. Shared experiences create bonds. Conversations around bonfires, sunrise yoga sessions, and communal meals become catalysts for healing. You realize you’re not alone on this journey. There is so much power in connecting with others, especially ones on a shared journey.

  1. Unlearning and Letting Go

Retreats challenge your beliefs. They invite you to unlearn patterns that no longer serve you. As you practice mindfulness, you peel away layers—like shedding a wetsuit after a surf session. You confront fears, past traumas, and limiting beliefs. The ocean mirrors your inner tides—the turbulence and the calm. And just as waves return to the sea, you release what no longer serves you.


What the Surf and Inner Work Combo will Give you

  1. Surf Psychology

Any retreat with me combines the physical benefits of surfing with structured activities for mental and emotional well-being. You will find solace in the waves, reducing symptoms of stress and anxiousness and increasing your sense of self and self-efficacy. You will grow in confidence and resilience through facing what the daily surf brings. It’s all a testament to the ocean’s healing power.

  1. Mindful Riding

Imagine a week-long retreat where each morning you begin the day with a sunrise surf session. The salty air invigorates your senses, and the waves become your companions. As you paddle out, you’re not just riding water—you’re riding emotions, memories, and intentions. Surfing becomes a moving meditation and a canvas for yur self-reflection.

  1. Nature as Teacher

The ocean teaches surrender. It reminds you that control is an illusion. A retreat with me will amplify this lesson. The ocean asks you to surrender to the process, to trust the journey. Just as you surrender to the wave’s power, you surrender to your inner currents. And in that surrender lies healing.

So, whether you’re a seasoned surfer seeking inner transformation or a beginner curious about the dance of waves, consider a surf retreat. Ride the waves, dive into the inner work with me and let the ocean and the waves take care of the rest. Let the ocean heal you—one wave at a time.


// Lisa Davidsson, Surf Psychologist

Lisa Davidsson

Psychologist & Hypnotherapist


I am a psychologist and Hypnotherapist from Sweden with nearly two decades of experience in the field of psychology and mental health. While I discovered surfing rather late in life, it has since, seeped into almost every aspect of it. In 2016 I relocated to Bali and gradually redirected my therapy work towards working with surfers.

In essence, what I do helps surfers catch more waves and to overcome mental barriers hindering their progress to the next level. Weather it is through getting over surf and water related fears, healing previous trauma, or working through mindset related obstacles. Surfing, being a high-stakes sport, not only poses physical challenges but also mental and emotional ones. As you reach a certain level in your surf you will be faced with internal challenges. I help surfers identify the root cause of those challenges and help them work through it.

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